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How to dress baby for your newborn session // Southlake newborn photographer

First off, this girl's hair stole the show. But that kind of leads me into my point, you want your baby and her/his features to be the main focus of your photographs.

You want to dress baby in something simple. A good-fitting long sleeve neutral onesie is perfect. They spend most of the session wrapped up anyway. Newborns are just so small, those cute outfits are hard to photograph because they are usually swimming in them. This also give us easy access to those perfect little fingers and toes.

For wraps, have a few you like handy or I will have a solid white wrap for us to use. If you want to incorporate something else special, just let me know! We will make sure to include some of that quilt grandma made or in the basket your parents brought you home in.

As far as other "accessories" just keep those simple too. I'm not against girls in bows, just keep them on the smaller side so they don't compete with your baby's face.

Want to see more newborn photos? Check out my portfolio here.


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